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Project Information

Each year is dubbed “a year like no other”.  2022 will certainly stand out as more tumultuous than many other recent years. Following two years of a pandemic that had devastating consequences at all levels and led to a significant rise in gender-based violence (GBV), on the 24th of February the world woke up to the large-scale invasion of Ukraine launched by the Russian Federation. In under a month nearly 4 million people, mainly women and children, had been forced to leave their homeland. Although GBV can potentially affect any person, man or woman, boy or girl, it has been well-documented that refugees, asylum seekers, and the displaced, especially women and children, are at much higher risk of becoming victims.  A study conducted in 2012 revealed that 69.3% of female migrants and refugees had experienced sexual and GBV since they entered Europe, often facing the danger of falling victim to prostitution or human trafficking. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reported on the 6th of April that some 4.3 million people, mostly women, had fled Ukraine, with over 2.5 million seeking refuge in Poland.


These events highlighted the unpreparedness of civil society to respond to such a crisis and protect the most vulnerable.  Aware of such need to be better prepared, BSAFE was conceived.  In light of this, BSAFE’s mission is to counteract and prevent all forms of gender-based violence against vulnerable women who have been displaced due to conflict in their home countries. Bringing together organisations from three countries currently central to the refugee crisis in Europe, namely Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic, the project aspires to establish protective measures that prevent any forms of maltreatment and shield those directly or indirectly affected.

project bsafe project partners

Project Objectives

Project Objectives

The BSAFE Project’s general objective is to prevent all forms of gender-based violence by tackling its root causes and to protect and support the victims of GBV.  On a more concrete note, its specific objectives are:

  • to strengthen the capacity of professionals through training to identify, address and prevent SGBV;

  • to raise awareness among refugees on SGBV and empower individuals to act as multipliers; and

  • to stimulate bystander response and raise general public awareness.

Its activities are articulated around 5 interrelated work packages as follows:

monitoring, evaluation and dissemination
WP1. Management & Coordination

Ensures the achievement of envisaged project objectives and results and contributes to the overall quality and coherence of project activities and outcomes through administrative and financial management, coordination of the workflow and facilitating exchange between work packages.

WP3. Empower

To empower and inform refugees, migrants and asylum seekers on SGBV through an awareness-raising campaign, and give them a leading role in the prevention of SGBV within their communities.

  • Development and dissemination of informational materials in their own language, running information sessions for refugees on the prevention of SGBV.

  • Training refugee women on countering SGBV to act as reference points for women from their communities (community “antennas”), empowering them to actively engage in countering and preventing SGBV.

  • Develop a mobile phone application with information on what to do if in danger, as well as where to turn for help if in need of assistance.

WP 5. Monitoring, Evaluation & Dissemination

Covers two key elements that will contribute to the successful achievement of the project objectives, namely, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) to ensure that project objectives and results are achieved and that activities are carried out according to the workplan; and Dissemination and Communication ensuring that project findings reach key stakeholders.

management and coordination
WP2. Improve

To build the capacity and knowledge of professionals through specialised trainings, workshops and capacity-building seminars. They will be expanded to include key stakeholders (law enforcement agencies, police force, health service providers, customs officers…)

  • Increase the capacity of professional to address issues relative to GBV towards refugees and migrants.

  • Strengthen prevention responses to violence against women, in particular to those most vulnerable.

Contribute to the extension of structures for the prevention of SGBV against refugees and migrants by promotion cooperation or relevant agencies and professionals.

WP4. Intervene

To inform, educate and stimulate bystanders into action and raise awareness among the general public and local and national authorities of the risks that refugees are exposed to.

  • Implement information and awareness-raising campaigns at community level to sensitise and educate the public on gender bias, gender-based discrimination and violence, especially against women refugees.

  • Develop a set of materials to inform bystanders and the general public on how to detect signs of SGBV and what to do, when to intervene and where to turn for help.

  • Encourage both the willingness to intervene and the likelihood of intervention, in the presence of sexual violence or harassment.


Project Partners

Project Partners

The project builds on the cooperation of six partner organisations (beneficiaries) from three CEE countries with a proven track record of expertise. Every project partner has experience in working together at a European level and has been involved in past European projects and some have collaborated extensively on previous projects and activities.  These project partners will collaborate closely to realise the project's overall goals and have specific responsibilities to carry out.

The participating partners are:

Společnost Podané ruce (SPR), Brno

Společnost Podané ruce (SPR), Brno, Czech Republic (Overall Coordinator)

SPR, founded in 1991 in Brno, Czech Republic, is a leading non-profit organisation dedicated to mitigating the effects of addiction and preventing its onset. Over its 30-year history, it has become a significant player in public health and addiction services in the country, actively participating in national policy dialogues. With 250 staff across 50 centres, SPR was responsive during the COVID-19 pandemic by establishing the country's largest testing centre and later vaccination sites with mobile units in partnership with Diocesan Caritas Brno.  SPR also assisted Ukrainian refugees with health services, including GBV prevention advice.

Diecezni charita Brno

Diocesan Caritas Brno (DHCB), Czech Republic

As a branch of Caritas CZ, which is a member of Caritas Internationalis, DHCB is committed to serving those in need. Founded in 1922 from an initiative started in 1921 by Catholic associations in Brno, its operations were halted in 1968 by a totalitarian regime but resumed in 1992. Today, DHCB has approximately 1,400 employees assisting over 58,000 individuals annually, including vulnerable groups like the homeless, disabled and terminally ill. DHCB's outreach extends internationally, having assisted in places like Kosovo, Romania and Zimbabwe and worked alongside UN agencies such as IOM. Most recently, DHCB has been proactive in supporting incoming refugees, especially women and children, offering essential services like employment assistance and educational resources.

Persefona, Czech Republic

Persefona, Czech Republic

Persefona was created in 2007 through the separation of the Anti-Domestic Violence Program of the Human Rights League, which had been providing assistance to victims of domestic violence since 1999. The main pillar of the organization's activities is long-term comprehensive assistance to victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse and rape over the age of 16 from the South Moravian Region. The support continues to be directed to those who try to help the victims of the aforementioned harm. Thanks to its comprehensive approach to the issue of domestic and sexualised violence, Persefona also provides therapeutic support and counselling to people who have difficulties coping with their own aggression in relationships. In 2022, 647 clients contacted the organisation. Another pillar of the organisation is the education of the professional and general public; Persefona organises courses at, for example, the Faculty of Social Studies at Masaryk University in Brno, higher vocational schools and secondary schools, as well as courses for other organisations within social services. Last but not least, the organisation is also dedicated to developing cooperation between state and non-state institutions involved in addressing the issue of domestic and sexual violence by building partnerships, participating in interdisciplinary teams, bodies and committees, organising campaigns and information events.


SANANIM, Prague, Czech Republic

Established in 1990, SANANIM is the Czech Republic's pioneering NGO focusing on addictions. Over three decades, it has crafted a unique and comprehensive care system for substance users, encompassing 18 health facilities and programs ranging from low-threshold services and therapeutic communities to online treatments. Within the framework of foreign cooperation, it also participates in a number of mainly educational projects (e.g. Learn Addiction, Erasmus+), professional activities and internships for European and world organisations (IHRA, UNDOC, EMCDDA, NIDA, Group Pompidou of the Council of Europe). With a robust 150-member multidisciplinary team, many also teach at Charles University's Faculty of Medicine. SANANIM was instrumental in founding A.N.O. in 1995 alongside SPR and led it till 2018. Recently, they've extended their services to Ukrainian refugees, especially those with infectious diseases, vulnerabilities, histories of sexual abuse and addictions. SANANIM is also active at an international level being an active member of various expert networks and bodies e.g. Civil Society Forum on Drugs (expert group to the European Commission), Correlation-EHRN, EHRA, IDPC, DrugReporter among others.


PREKURSOR, Warsaw, Poland

Founded in 2011, the Prekursor Foundation for Social Policy is a non-governmental organisation committed to advancing human rights, public health and progressive drug policies. They have been conducting harm reduction activities since 1999, offering comprehensive help and support for people who use drugs, its projects span across the cities of Warsaw and Gdańsk.

The Foundation conducts research and educational activities and cooperates with foreign organisations, working in the field of drug policy and harm reduction. Also participates in initiatives engaging people who use drugs, supporting their communities and fighting for their rights.


Občianske združenie Prima, Bratislava, Slovakia


Founded in 1998 in response to the Pompidou Group's findings from the Council of Europe, Prima emerged to address drug users' challenges in Bratislava. Over the years, it has become a prominent entity, focusing on harm reduction especially in infectious disease and sexual abuse prevention. Prima actively participates in international events, notably the International Day Against Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Women and Children and the Protest Stop Sexual Violence. Additionally, they routinely orchestrate campaigns educating clients about sexual abuse prevention and SGBV.

16 Days of Activism

Anchor 1
16days of Activism

The project aims at joining the “16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence”, an international campaign at the end of year one of the project run by the UN, focusing in particular on refugees.


The “16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence” is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day. The campaign was started by activists at the inauguration of the Women’s Global Leadership Institute in 1991. It continues to be coordinated each year by the Centre for Women’s Global Leadership. It is used as an organising strategy by individuals and organisations around the world to call for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls.


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